I’m actually a little pissed that she’s not more pissed. He did the equivalent of slamming his hand on a cutting board she was using because she was cutting too fast. Being a complete dumbass and injuring yourself because you don’t trust her ain’t romantic. Not to mention he literally has no regret about it and said he’d do it again.
I’m actually a little pissed that she’s not more pissed. He did the equivalent of slamming his hand on a cutting board she was using because she was cutting too fast. Being a complete dumbass and injuring yourself because you don’t trust her ain’t romantic. Not to mention he literally has no regret about it and said he’d do it again.
IT WAS HIS FAULT LOL. I love him but he’s so dumb when it comes to SIMPING
Amelia Marie
I still can’t get over how stupid this mf was
Hahaha! NOW KISS!
Yessss Finally!!!😭