but also! he’s correctly describing heat treatments for durable sword smithing! it’s super rare i see any vaguely historical comic know anything about metallurgy, but i’m guessing he’s talking about the san mai technique where you mix steels of differing carbon contents so that they take the temper differently, resulting in a core of the blade that’s flexible enough to bend without breaking and an edge that’s diamond-hard to cut through even stubborn things like bone. the damascus patterning i originally thought they were referring to wouldn’t really impact the heat treat at all so now i’m not sure i interpreted the last chapter correctly. the folding and bending does strengthen the steel, but ultimately it’s just so the acid etching makes it look cooler. the benefits apart from the aesthetic are minimal. and tbh even high carbon damascus doesn’t need to be oiled that frequently. just keep it clean and oiled in general and you won’t have a rust problem. i’ve got damascus steak knives that stay oiled and they’ve held up perfectly. you always want to look for patterning on the spine of the blade to make sure you’re getting the real deal and not a laser etched piece of machined stainless steel
Poor mukali,people are scared of him🥲
he’s funny and sweet though
YAY I WAnna see her fit
mukali is soooo funny lololo
… I want to touch Mukali’s sword 🥺
Historical Maniac
I’m literally rereading this, again, because of General Mukalli. Ain’t he the cutest?🥺🥺
no the conversation between them is so wholesome 😭
even the sword was taller than her LOL
Rain Trevil
but also! he’s correctly describing heat treatments for durable sword smithing! it’s super rare i see any vaguely historical comic know anything about metallurgy, but i’m guessing he’s talking about the san mai technique where you mix steels of differing carbon contents so that they take the temper differently, resulting in a core of the blade that’s flexible enough to bend without breaking and an edge that’s diamond-hard to cut through even stubborn things like bone. the damascus patterning i originally thought they were referring to wouldn’t really impact the heat treat at all so now i’m not sure i interpreted the last chapter correctly. the folding and bending does strengthen the steel, but ultimately it’s just so the acid etching makes it look cooler. the benefits apart from the aesthetic are minimal. and tbh even high carbon damascus doesn’t need to be oiled that frequently. just keep it clean and oiled in general and you won’t have a rust problem. i’ve got damascus steak knives that stay oiled and they’ve held up perfectly. you always want to look for patterning on the spine of the blade to make sure you’re getting the real deal and not a laser etched piece of machined stainless steel
I want to say nerd but also this is amazing go on great one nerd away
Catherine Briar
That’s actually very interesting. I didn’t know that carbon could make such a difference.
love that his chibi is quite literally a teddy bear. perfect
Oho new big daddy
Too short.. i need more.. Tarkan is like a bestie boy for her.. so cute..?