pffffft, I see that even if SHE can’t control what her abilities show her or when they activate, they still focus on giving her information she needs. Either there were moral lessons in those plays or she was just horribly bored, but I’m glad that she at least got to experience watching them in a way
She’s been imprisoned for ten years, bullied her whole life, denied basic needs and pawned off the moment she’s let out of her prison and yet she has time and money to watch plays? 😆
Talerielle Laurel
pffffft, I see that even if SHE can’t control what her abilities show her or when they activate, they still focus on giving her information she needs. Either there were moral lessons in those plays or she was just horribly bored, but I’m glad that she at least got to experience watching them in a way
Guy is reading with their eyes closed wtf
Reader is L
She’s been imprisoned for ten years, bullied her whole life, denied basic needs and pawned off the moment she’s let out of her prison and yet she has time and money to watch plays? 😆
Repeated chapter