For Those of You For Whom Regret Is a Luxury - Chapter 33
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You don't have anything in histories
I mean, just because it mimics historical racism, doesn’t mean it’s gonna be good. Also, what do you mean, we don’t see them complaining about anti white racism? That’s literally everywhere. People find everything to complain about. How this manhwa tackles racism may reflect the current or past norms but also possibly the author’s stance and perhaps biases. I feel like FL is gonna be a white saviour who kinda implies racism and discrimination is wrong and that’s that. You can critique something about the non white characters being considered barbarians trope and that’s fine. People can be offended. @Gigit1126, you sound racist. And what you said was a fair critique but so was what @F3ngX1an raised.
I knew they wouldn’t be white… least favorite Manhwa trope.
Get over your offended self. This is a historical manhwa mimicking historical actions, prejudice, and culture. And there are plenty of mandwa out there where the WHITE MAN is treated like shit, too. Don’t see you complaining about THEM.🤨