Rainbowunicorn Y’all don’t be nice to Stella cuz in the first tl she betrayed Aru April 25, 2022 at 11:36 pm Log in to Reply
Rainbowunicorn + going after someones fiance who clearly doesn’t like you and then complain to the person who’s obviously in a relationship with him is messed up April 25, 2022 at 11:37 pm
Windstar03 ** correction. Dana Fiancé , and why chase a guy who clearly is rejecting you .. October 15, 2021 at 2:10 pm
Y’all don’t be nice to Stella cuz in the first tl she betrayed Aru
+ going after someones fiance who clearly doesn’t like you and then complain to the person who’s obviously in a relationship with him is messed up
OK. DANA IS ANNOYING PERIOD. gonna drop this bye
Umm girl u know he’s Stellas fiancé… ?
** correction. Dana Fiancé , and why chase a guy who clearly is rejecting you ..
I mean ???i root for u stella i misread
Frick u stella