ewww love?? these days is love a light word, made complete joke out of it, I like ML he is so calm, softy what a shame he is cleaning after that trash, pls pls I hope she won’t get bound to that trashy bastard, Yu family leader find him & send him 6ft under pls, & reproduce by blood?? what does that meann??? they have same reproductory organs so method ain’t same? so are they just for show?
Wdym LOVE? Redhead treated her like shit, physically and emotionally abused her. How could he have fallen in love? Is this how you express it? Sick and twisted guy.
ewww love?? these days is love a light word, made complete joke out of it, I like ML he is so calm, softy what a shame he is cleaning after that trash, pls pls I hope she won’t get bound to that trashy bastard, Yu family leader find him & send him 6ft under pls, & reproduce by blood?? what does that meann??? they have same reproductory organs so method ain’t same? so are they just for show?
Wdym LOVE? Redhead treated her like shit, physically and emotionally abused her. How could he have fallen in love? Is this how you express it? Sick and twisted guy.
Ale preco nasmu zazvorovemu monstrovi nadavate ??? Však to chcela….
Ginger monster is truly foul.
omg i love the brother <33 the mr. chairman
he look like the only fl
That redhead killed the dog, unforgiveable
Please tell me she won’t be bound to that redhead bastard…. What do you mean love? He’s a sick obsessive weirdo…