girl gotta actual leave dude alone about what happened in the past. for her to ask him why he did it noooo. and she’s acting like he did something really really bad to her but no its all bc he was friends with ppl she didnt like so she didnt like the fact that he was still talking to them after saying he wouldn’t. Plus girl alr knew dudes family life was bad so she should’ve tried talking to him about that instead of going the way she did. but idk shes just hurting him
How can you hate liars but be one yourself?
girl gotta actual leave dude alone about what happened in the past. for her to ask him why he did it noooo. and she’s acting like he did something really really bad to her but no its all bc he was friends with ppl she didnt like so she didnt like the fact that he was still talking to them after saying he wouldn’t. Plus girl alr knew dudes family life was bad so she should’ve tried talking to him about that instead of going the way she did. but idk shes just hurting him
pls kill me i hate this love triangle thing 😣😣 ohhh my days
Pfft- caught him in 4k