girl got to remember that that was years ago why is it relevant now. and she said it her self it because of the ppl he hanged around its not like he looked up and down and said why dont i bully ppl -_- girls just act like a weirdo id hate if someone did that too me and always held my past over my head
girl got to remember that that was years ago why is it relevant now. and she said it her self it because of the ppl he hanged around its not like he looked up and down and said why dont i bully ppl -_- girls just act like a weirdo id hate if someone did that too me and always held my past over my head
So a high schooler dang
why is this girl so hung up on the past? like ik it affected her a lot but she’s really hanging on to it a bit too much.
disappointed but not surprised, no offense to my girl eunha but it was too good to be true😭
Big surprise he is no medical student.