Because she is scared and emotional.
She literally questioned her own worth in this chapter.
“What if I’m not the same Camillia that mother wants and remembers… that I would cast a shadow to her happy life now?”
Her mother is genuinely happy with a bright smile on her face.
Camillia is worried that her mother wouldn’t want her back anymore.
It’s not stupid or annoying.
It’s fear and insecurity.
“And I love youuuuuuu####Unconditionalyyyy”😭🥺🫶
Wow the ending pannels got me
Pls love her unconditionally she has no one else by her side pls T^T
Have faith woman
Because she is scared and emotional.
She literally questioned her own worth in this chapter.
“What if I’m not the same Camillia that mother wants and remembers… that I would cast a shadow to her happy life now?”
Her mother is genuinely happy with a bright smile on her face.
Camillia is worried that her mother wouldn’t want her back anymore.
It’s not stupid or annoying.
It’s fear and insecurity.
@changemyname bc she is stupid and annoying AF.
Why didn’t she go talk to her mother