That’s the reason why I like Claude, because he did not deny that he’s into Camellius despite of the hidden gender of her. I like how he’s seducing Camellius and how he became more possessive and obsessive lol.
I’m loving that Claude is having gay panic like every episode now? I wonder if he will accept and confess his feelings to Camellius before he reveals he’s actually a girl
The words that the prince said are true beyond belief.
Zhongli simp
How cute
That’s the reason why I like Claude, because he did not deny that he’s into Camellius despite of the hidden gender of her. I like how he’s seducing Camellius and how he became more possessive and obsessive lol.
claudes is very gae now, with conflicting emotions?️??️?
I’m loving that Claude is having gay panic like every episode now? I wonder if he will accept and confess his feelings to Camellius before he reveals he’s actually a girl
poor claude?
Indeed. He thought that he fall in love in same gender?