@elixx_ Couldn’t agree more. Can’t remember the last time anything good came out from riling up your kidnappers. You gain nothing but a higher chance of getting killed. And I was also hoping that she’d be able to extract some information from that doctor who seems to have a strong connection to her mother. And as per the usual the male leads can’t get their shit together. What @dapperlady would make for an enjoyable plot where Camellia doesn’t end up with any of these trashy men and actually goes on to marry a completely different and decent man. Or even better, she can remain single since this whole romance bs is starting to piss me off.
She should’ve tried to appease her kidnappers and squeezed them dry about her mom. She let a precious lead slip right through. It pisses me off. And she even have the audacity to expose the mission. Wth is she thinking???!
???Yeah,.good plan Camellia..you used your big brain????what the heck ..why Claude and Ian so late??? Why argue when you are in a dire situation..heck,set aside of that ” who’s the better man for her” for now…now she’s in a big trouble and that bastard doctor is pretending to be a victim to runaway…I don’t know why you walked conveniently as if there is no one waiting for your rescue…what a bunch of brainless brutes…Camellia is dying yet your standing there hearing that man’s shit explanations,. he’s the main suspect..at least one of you find Camellia while the other will secure that that bastard can’t escape…
I know, I wanted to bunch both of them when I saw them wasting time arguing over her. Like “Not the place, Not the time” and she doesn’t belong to either one of them. Maybe she’ll go marry some other dude she actually loves or maybe she’ll start her once business and live happily without either of them?
She wants to die? I know it’s fiction if it were irl she would have been dead by now
@elixx_ Couldn’t agree more. Can’t remember the last time anything good came out from riling up your kidnappers. You gain nothing but a higher chance of getting killed. And I was also hoping that she’d be able to extract some information from that doctor who seems to have a strong connection to her mother. And as per the usual the male leads can’t get their shit together. What @dapperlady would make for an enjoyable plot where Camellia doesn’t end up with any of these trashy men and actually goes on to marry a completely different and decent man. Or even better, she can remain single since this whole romance bs is starting to piss me off.
She should’ve tried to appease her kidnappers and squeezed them dry about her mom. She let a precious lead slip right through. It pisses me off. And she even have the audacity to expose the mission. Wth is she thinking???!
so camelia woke up and decided to make the worst possible choices throughout history? She piss me off fr ?
If she didn’t go off on her whole speech, they would caught everyone without her getting shot ?
???Yeah,.good plan Camellia..you used your big brain????what the heck ..why Claude and Ian so late??? Why argue when you are in a dire situation..heck,set aside of that ” who’s the better man for her” for now…now she’s in a big trouble and that bastard doctor is pretending to be a victim to runaway…I don’t know why you walked conveniently as if there is no one waiting for your rescue…what a bunch of brainless brutes…Camellia is dying yet your standing there hearing that man’s shit explanations,. he’s the main suspect..at least one of you find Camellia while the other will secure that that bastard can’t escape…
I know, I wanted to bunch both of them when I saw them wasting time arguing over her. Like “Not the place, Not the time” and she doesn’t belong to either one of them. Maybe she’ll go marry some other dude she actually loves or maybe she’ll start her once business and live happily without either of them?