I like that grayish man’s hair…only the hair..well, don’t get me wrong,. it’s just my opinion.. he’s a prince but sometimes he act with no decency..I like his first appearance, he’s kinda cute and badass there..but what happened..he suddenly became simp …
You like that dude grayish man, wll to me he look’s ugly!!! 🤣
I like that grayish man’s hair…only the hair..well, don’t get me wrong,. it’s just my opinion.. he’s a prince but sometimes he act with no decency..I like his first appearance, he’s kinda cute and badass there..but what happened..he suddenly became simp …
Hahahha…Camellius’ reactions are hilarious and love how it irkes Claude all the time.
Black Crow
the whole chapter is on teenmanhua and the translation iss good
Are there missing panels near the end? Or is my internet lagging again?