It wasn’t explained well in the manhwa so far… I think it kind of went unmentioned, but by half-Jeweli, it means Lina was born to a human parent and a full Jeweli. The novel explains it better. Still behind on catching up with all the manhwa chapters for this though, so it might already be explained later on and this side note of mine is useless lol. 🙂
hmm I don’t think that guy is CP @SimpSama he looks a bit older & hair color is also different he might be like CP’s uncle or relative judging by his eyes, plus since he recognized eyes even tho she had lens & have the same ring he might’ve known other Jeweli & I don’t think ML will give order to kill CP like that
It wasn’t explained well in the manhwa so far… I think it kind of went unmentioned, but by half-Jeweli, it means Lina was born to a human parent and a full Jeweli. The novel explains it better. Still behind on catching up with all the manhwa chapters for this though, so it might already be explained later on and this side note of mine is useless lol. 🙂
this is getting interesting… Who is that guy who has the same ring as her? I just read this for diversion, and now I’m immersed lol
What did she mean by half Jeweli? Mistranslation, or accidental memory gain that went unnoticed?????????
hmm I don’t think that guy is CP @SimpSama he looks a bit older & hair color is also different he might be like CP’s uncle or relative judging by his eyes, plus since he recognized eyes even tho she had lens & have the same ring he might’ve known other Jeweli & I don’t think ML will give order to kill CP like that
Isn’t that the same ring angelina has?
there was probably something going on between the crown prince and the og owner of angelina’s body
Why did he look at the ring when he thought of her? And what is the ring? Does he know her?