Father, I Don’t Want to Get Married! - Chapter 49.1
You don't have anything in histories
Appa Na I Gyeolhon An Hallaeyo!, Best Manhwa, Dad I'm Not Getting Married, Fantasy, Father, Father I Don't Want to Get Married!, Historical, Historical recommend, Historical recommendation, Historical recommendations, Historical recommended, HONG Hee Su, Hot, Hot manhwa, Listing Hot Comic, manga zin, mangazin, Manhwa, manhwa recommended, Padre no me quiero casar!, recommend Historical, recommendation Historical, recommendations Historical, recommended Historical, Romance, Shoujo, Top 10 Manhwa, webtoon recommended, zin manga, Zinmanga, 아빠 나 이 결혼 안할래요!
It sucks cause it seems like she’s just judging him from rumours but Juvel is one of the only people with a real reason to fear him.
I feel bad for him since there was his sad backstory last chapter and he genuinely looked hurt.
Jojos romantic adventures
Lmao his face 🤣
Imagine their faces when it’s revealed he’s the crazy, bloodthirsty, lonely crown prince
poor max