Father, I Don’t Want to Get Married! - Chapter 111
You don't have anything in histories
Appa Na I Gyeolhon An Hallaeyo!, Best Manhwa, Dad I'm Not Getting Married, Fantasy, Father, Father I Don't Want to Get Married!, Historical, Historical recommend, Historical recommendation, Historical recommendations, Historical recommended, HONG Hee Su, Hot, Hot manhwa, Listing Hot Comic, manga zin, mangazin, Manhwa, manhwa recommended, Padre no me quiero casar!, recommend Historical, recommendation Historical, recommendations Historical, recommended Historical, Romance, Shoujo, Top 10 Manhwa, webtoon recommended, zin manga, Zinmanga, 아빠 나 이 결혼 안할래요!
@Izumi Miyamura because they are all introverts who find talking to hard and exhausting and think that everybody has a telepathic or empathetic power that could be used to understand them
I like that the story can poke fun at itself. Max’s mom is SO pretty! Kill the Emperor in the worst way possible! Start with peeling that tiny peepee like a banana *CACKLES* I’ll get the salt for the wounds…
Remember when this manhwa used to be a boulder of misunderstandings in the beginning 🥲
Great another family secret to complicate things…
Izumi Miyamura
NOOO I bet his dad is suffering because of darius, and the duke is just trying to protect his son. noooo why does the floyen family have to suffer so much :<
I suspect poor communication is a Floyen family trait.
Max’s mother is so pretty😍
That is the worst looking 22 year old Ive every seen however Max’s mother is so beautiful standing next to that piece of garbage
it is really funny that this is chapter 111 and i only relised it now that Jubel’s eyes are mixed of duke and duchess.😑😂