Hmm..yeah, as I thought. They seem to be her “secret army”, her informants and everything.
I had my suspicions, but now I’m sure now.
She has been doing this over and over again. To the poiont they fear her falling apart completely.
The reason is those ‘rules’ they are talking about.
Maybe, THE CONDITION of using this ability is to NOT reveal the key information. Its ANTI-CHEATING I guess! LOL
Looks like the time she regresses into, or the past-self she manages to “summon” into the future is random as well.
But its still really frustrating.
I really wished she could root out the main cause and save everyone, including Isaac’s parents.
And this won’t happen unless she goes back in time with her memories intact, not the other way around.
In my opinion, it seems like she came to future and may be went back to past and do those things like making rules, hide more things. It doesn’t seems like something idiotic, may be all have meaning. I think search and realise few things will give the deep sense rather than just someone tell them what is going on. When she find out herself she will realise something valuable and it will be worth trying. Everything has meaning behind.
This is just my logical opinion, maybe not everyone agrees but I understand.
Whatever reason or law that Stella the future did makes no sense.
If you think about being threatened or even caught, it doesn’t make sense that the problem is Stella’s problem in the future who made STUPID or unintentional mistakes.
It’s not Stella’s problem from the past, it’s Stella from the future who asks Stella from the past for help.
Should have worked together To solve her problems instead of leaving all her problems to future STELLA STUPID.
Anyone is confused and sick to think about this problem, because Stella of the past has absolutely nothing to do with the problems created by Stella of the future And it’s not enough to act smart And sane or mature.
In short, the future Stella throws all her problems on the past Stella and instructs the past Stella to solve her problems.
Think about that, imagine being treated like that.
We didn’t do it, but we were forced to solve it because we are the same people? Logically we don’t do that, other people/other self do.
Because that’s not what we did.
This series just loves to blue ball you. You think she’s starting to get a good lead but nope! She hasn’t made any progress at all. I know it’s only chapter 22 but I really hope it’s not a slow burn.
@AMarshmallowOnTop I’m with you on that! Hope its not too much of a slow-burn otherwise it’ll burn our brains out and force us to drop it altogether.
Hmm..yeah, as I thought. They seem to be her “secret army”, her informants and everything.
I had my suspicions, but now I’m sure now.
She has been doing this over and over again. To the poiont they fear her falling apart completely.
The reason is those ‘rules’ they are talking about.
Maybe, THE CONDITION of using this ability is to NOT reveal the key information. Its ANTI-CHEATING I guess! LOL
Looks like the time she regresses into, or the past-self she manages to “summon” into the future is random as well.
But its still really frustrating.
I really wished she could root out the main cause and save everyone, including Isaac’s parents.
And this won’t happen unless she goes back in time with her memories intact, not the other way around.
In my opinion, it seems like she came to future and may be went back to past and do those things like making rules, hide more things. It doesn’t seems like something idiotic, may be all have meaning. I think search and realise few things will give the deep sense rather than just someone tell them what is going on. When she find out herself she will realise something valuable and it will be worth trying. Everything has meaning behind.
This is just my logical opinion, maybe not everyone agrees but I understand.
Whatever reason or law that Stella the future did makes no sense.
If you think about being threatened or even caught, it doesn’t make sense that the problem is Stella’s problem in the future who made STUPID or unintentional mistakes.
It’s not Stella’s problem from the past, it’s Stella from the future who asks Stella from the past for help.
Should have worked together To solve her problems instead of leaving all her problems to future STELLA STUPID.
Anyone is confused and sick to think about this problem, because Stella of the past has absolutely nothing to do with the problems created by Stella of the future And it’s not enough to act smart And sane or mature.
In short, the future Stella throws all her problems on the past Stella and instructs the past Stella to solve her problems.
Think about that, imagine being treated like that.
We didn’t do it, but we were forced to solve it because we are the same people? Logically we don’t do that, other people/other self do.
Because that’s not what we did.
This series just loves to blue ball you. You think she’s starting to get a good lead but nope! She hasn’t made any progress at all. I know it’s only chapter 22 but I really hope it’s not a slow burn.