Alright, the ‘transmigrator theory’ has almost gone out of the window now!
Since we already have the perfect culprit in making one go crazy loosing ones self and acting like a totally different person!
The serpent’s head came out!
Sure enough, the ‘godfather’ is the culprit!
Not only is he Lily’s father!!, who were engaged to Isaac, he was a close aide and “friend” to the king!!
He knew them very thoroughly all along!!!
Both. father and daughter were soft-hearted and a bit on the naive side. And he was friends with the king from their academy years?!
WOW! What a shrewd super-nasty serpent he is!!
He has been paving his own way through befriending the CP and the future king since he was a teenager!!! Just wow!!
I’m sure ALL the engagement between Lily and Isaac has all been his plans from the ground up!!
He must have known how the MC is, so naive and childish. They must have known she would fall for Isaac knowing her personality, so he made her own daughter engage and then marry him just to make her even more desperate.
The next step was to poison the king frame Isaac’s family for it. He just made the perfect plan to usurp the thrown.
@Zuhernandez That could be possible. Yet I think she was way too naive to be capable of that.
I think the nasty “godfather” thoroughly dishearten her to the point of nervous breakdown!!
She did say, in Isaac’s flashback, that she would just go and disappear after divorce!
And why would the divorce law change to make it harder for couple’s to get back together?!
Don’t you think thats definitely suspicious as well?!
I sure think so!
It could directly relate to Isaac and Estella’s divorce!!
Remember, her kids are heirs to the thrown!!!
What if she gives up her children and migrate to some other kingdom?!
Yes, there won’t be any heirs remaining and so NO OBSTACLES to the thrown for this nasty serpent of a “godfather”!!!!
She was a cheerful, pure-hearted and simple-minded maiden who were showered with love all her life!
She never even dreamed of doubting people she trusted, let alone her one and only love.
I think not only that guy manipulate and brainwash her in thinking Isaac’s parents were the culprits behind her fathers collapse, he made her distrustful and delusional towards everything.
I’m not sure if she even knew if her father had any chances of living, since she was planning on divorcing and going to some other city/country altogether. Thats so unbecoming of her!
I do suspect that, maybe Lily and his father really did some terrible things to her for her to distance herself from them.
The reason is how he was so persistently asking her if she really doesn’t remember anything!!!
This shows he really has done something, which her forgetting it would benefit him!!
I’m so upset that this naive girl is so blindly trusting him, TELLING HIM EVERyThiNG!
The only good side to this behavior is that he MAY lower his guard, and maybe -as a result-slow down the process of killing the king!
The king’s condition is so sad, and the main cause of everything falling apart.
The moment he dies her worst nightmare will begin.
Look at how he is trying to confirm her Amnesia!!
He sure has done a lot of harm, and she could have found a few out!
The nest thing he showed concerns about was her life with Isaac.
I’m sure he was trying his best to drive her to a divorce, in order to severe her and her kids’ ties to the thrown completely!!
Now, with her turning back into the simple-minded trusting young maiden she used to be, he may have count his luck in order to manipulate her IN SOME OTHER WAY!
Whats for certain is that he has done his fair share of harm to her.
She literally turned into a psycho!! Thats no joke!
She must have gone through a series of great shocks and tribulations to turn into such a person.
I doubt she had even a sliver of sanity remaining in her to ACT. She was a lost cause literally. Her crying her eyes out 24/7 is a sign of major depression.
I’m sure she has found some terrible things out, feeling like she has lost EVERYONE she ever loved.
Not only her father, but the love of her life on one hand and the godfather she so trusted on another hand.
I only wish they don’t go +70 chapters with her being naive and trusting like this otherwise it’ll be too frustrating to bare. I for one would certainly drop this.
Shoot! I practically wrote a whole paper right here! LOL Sorry guys!
Alright, the ‘transmigrator theory’ has almost gone out of the window now!
Since we already have the perfect culprit in making one go crazy loosing ones self and acting like a totally different person!
The serpent’s head came out!
Sure enough, the ‘godfather’ is the culprit!
Not only is he Lily’s father!!, who were engaged to Isaac, he was a close aide and “friend” to the king!!
He knew them very thoroughly all along!!!
Both. father and daughter were soft-hearted and a bit on the naive side. And he was friends with the king from their academy years?!
WOW! What a shrewd super-nasty serpent he is!!
He has been paving his own way through befriending the CP and the future king since he was a teenager!!! Just wow!!
I’m sure ALL the engagement between Lily and Isaac has all been his plans from the ground up!!
He must have known how the MC is, so naive and childish. They must have known she would fall for Isaac knowing her personality, so he made her own daughter engage and then marry him just to make her even more desperate.
The next step was to poison the king frame Isaac’s family for it. He just made the perfect plan to usurp the thrown.
@Zuhernandez That could be possible. Yet I think she was way too naive to be capable of that.
I think the nasty “godfather” thoroughly dishearten her to the point of nervous breakdown!!
She did say, in Isaac’s flashback, that she would just go and disappear after divorce!
And why would the divorce law change to make it harder for couple’s to get back together?!
Don’t you think thats definitely suspicious as well?!
I sure think so!
It could directly relate to Isaac and Estella’s divorce!!
Remember, her kids are heirs to the thrown!!!
What if she gives up her children and migrate to some other kingdom?!
Yes, there won’t be any heirs remaining and so NO OBSTACLES to the thrown for this nasty serpent of a “godfather”!!!!
She was a cheerful, pure-hearted and simple-minded maiden who were showered with love all her life!
She never even dreamed of doubting people she trusted, let alone her one and only love.
I think not only that guy manipulate and brainwash her in thinking Isaac’s parents were the culprits behind her fathers collapse, he made her distrustful and delusional towards everything.
I’m not sure if she even knew if her father had any chances of living, since she was planning on divorcing and going to some other city/country altogether. Thats so unbecoming of her!
I do suspect that, maybe Lily and his father really did some terrible things to her for her to distance herself from them.
The reason is how he was so persistently asking her if she really doesn’t remember anything!!!
This shows he really has done something, which her forgetting it would benefit him!!
I’m so upset that this naive girl is so blindly trusting him, TELLING HIM EVERyThiNG!
The only good side to this behavior is that he MAY lower his guard, and maybe -as a result-slow down the process of killing the king!
The king’s condition is so sad, and the main cause of everything falling apart.
The moment he dies her worst nightmare will begin.
Look at how he is trying to confirm her Amnesia!!
He sure has done a lot of harm, and she could have found a few out!
The nest thing he showed concerns about was her life with Isaac.
I’m sure he was trying his best to drive her to a divorce, in order to severe her and her kids’ ties to the thrown completely!!
Now, with her turning back into the simple-minded trusting young maiden she used to be, he may have count his luck in order to manipulate her IN SOME OTHER WAY!
Whats for certain is that he has done his fair share of harm to her.
She literally turned into a psycho!! Thats no joke!
She must have gone through a series of great shocks and tribulations to turn into such a person.
I doubt she had even a sliver of sanity remaining in her to ACT. She was a lost cause literally. Her crying her eyes out 24/7 is a sign of major depression.
I’m sure she has found some terrible things out, feeling like she has lost EVERYONE she ever loved.
Not only her father, but the love of her life on one hand and the godfather she so trusted on another hand.
I only wish they don’t go +70 chapters with her being naive and trusting like this otherwise it’ll be too frustrating to bare. I for one would certainly drop this.
Hmm Think she was investigating everything and knew that the Emperor had something to do with it in order to get him out she needed some cover up
so emperor is the sus😶
Okay but the skinship in the carriage on the way here? Leaning into her palm like an eager puppy?