Its the godfather innit. There is no other explanation as to why she would try her bestto protect her family while simultaneously looking like a cheater. I mean there could be, but this is defimitely one of the more likely paths
@lolconpro Yeah you’re right.
And this cuteness in something to deceive as well. This godfather is certainly sus, way too sus actually. Hes a recipe for disaster to be more precise.
Guess this manhwa started off cute and is taking a turn for the dark and the transition is rather fast as you have pointed out. It certainly needed more time for the readers to get here.
I think I know the problem I been having whit this , the art style is way to cute even in the serious parts , but we’ll it’s s quick read , it feels like I’m reading a web novel instead of a manhaw
Its the godfather innit. There is no other explanation as to why she would try her bestto protect her family while simultaneously looking like a cheater. I mean there could be, but this is defimitely one of the more likely paths
@lolconpro Yeah you’re right.
And this cuteness in something to deceive as well. This godfather is certainly sus, way too sus actually. Hes a recipe for disaster to be more precise.
Guess this manhwa started off cute and is taking a turn for the dark and the transition is rather fast as you have pointed out. It certainly needed more time for the readers to get here.
I think I know the problem I been having whit this , the art style is way to cute even in the serious parts , but we’ll it’s s quick read , it feels like I’m reading a web novel instead of a manhaw
Ok this is something diff.