Sounds interesting, but I’m personally not a big fan of the “fall in love at first sight” trope. I find it uninteresting, so hopefully there’s a secret reason she’s so in love.
glad we get more interesting versions of the time travel trope. To many women just reverting 10-15 or 20 years into the past “i’ll just redo everything but slightly better” Also before you @ me I know the spoilers already.
… She fell in love at first sight, spent YEARS pinning after the man, but have they ever even exchanged words before she fell in the pond?
We know she likes him for his looks, but she seriously held out for YEARS just waiting and expected him to fall into her arms?
Were they even, like, at least friends? Friendly acquaintances? Pen pals???
Dont love her lovesickness for sure but i like an amnesia like story
ugh another lovesick weaky
baby im not even hallucination
Sounds interesting, but I’m personally not a big fan of the “fall in love at first sight” trope. I find it uninteresting, so hopefully there’s a secret reason she’s so in love.
can anyone give me a spoiler
What’s? Wut? Ok kinda interesting
glad we get more interesting versions of the time travel trope. To many women just reverting 10-15 or 20 years into the past “i’ll just redo everything but slightly better” Also before you @ me I know the spoilers already.
First snow
I love childrens. So looking forward for more chapters.
… She fell in love at first sight, spent YEARS pinning after the man, but have they ever even exchanged words before she fell in the pond?
We know she likes him for his looks, but she seriously held out for YEARS just waiting and expected him to fall into her arms?
Were they even, like, at least friends? Friendly acquaintances? Pen pals???
@Isreadingmanhwa if you haven’t read read the novel then 🤫🤫🤫🤫 it’s embarrassing your ignorance
[email protected]
Wow. New more plzzzzz
Gurl… That’s embarrassing fr being so in love u cause others trouble bye I don’t think I’ll be reading this 💀💀