I Cant_Sleep I had a suspicion at the back of my mind but actually witnessing it still made my stomach sink July 6, 2024 at 3:03 pm Log in to Reply
MiscMech Girl tell him 1. You may be the next target of the killer and 2. Your suspicions about the roses. Also lmao at the cousin being presented like the introduction for a 2nd ML but then immediately taking himself out of the running. January 14, 2024 at 11:24 am Log in to Reply
Oh com’on please!
That’s painfully awful 💔🙁
😒 bruh the heck
I Cant_Sleep
I had a suspicion at the back of my mind but actually witnessing it still made my stomach sink
Girl tell him 1. You may be the next target of the killer and 2. Your suspicions about the roses.
Also lmao at the cousin being presented like the introduction for a 2nd ML but then immediately taking himself out of the running.
wow damn that hurts 🙁
Well daaamn.
It’s hurts it really hurts 😭😭
This is sucks😑
what the hell!