@HoneyToast Have you ever been in a similar situation?
If you have then you’d already know how it feels.
Its not that he is NOT SAD!
This is called ‘the state of denial.’
You deny the truth you know deep down ’cause you simply can NOT take it!!
You’d fall apart if you admit it!
So your nervous system utilizes a mechanism to prevent a nervous-breakdown from occurring by denying said fact. Its like anesthesia.
The next step would be shock.
Have you ever seen people who dont cry nor express any sort of emotion in the funeral or at the morning of a loved one?
Do you think that person is not sad?
Or do you think he/she is actually not feeling anything?
Well it would be the case sometimes when there are certain circumstances.
But we’re not talking about those situations right now. A normal familial relationship, friendship, etc is what Im talking about.
This is a complicated psychological process which happens when you are deeply involved on an emotional level.
The reasons are different; It could be love, it could be anger; it could be longing….a number of different or even contrasting emotions could be at work here.
The most important factor to take note here is,
this never happens when the person doesn’t mean anything to you!
Some people even go through a stroke or a heart-attack in this situation right when people think they are heatless, not shedding a single tear.
I know of a woman who went through this ordeal right after loosing a much-loved younger brother.
We witnessed countless such cases all around the world when COVID hit our planet, have we not?
Best wishes to you all <3
PS. Yeah this guy is in denial and his most prominent emotions which has rilled him up like crazy is guilt.
He, too, needed love but having a sick child at hand and a toxic granny constantly pouring pessimism in his already-turbulent mind made him unable to make sane judgement.
He couldn't even bring himself to get closer to her out of uncertainty and the fear caused by the rumors about her. He was a mess to be honest.
Now, after all his worries are eased down, his mind cleared up and he has started to understand whats been going on all this time little by little. Yet it is already too late.
Thats were the suffocating guilt and the subtle longing that accompanies it come from.
@HoneyToast Have you ever been in a similar situation?
If you have then you’d already know how it feels.
Its not that he is NOT SAD!
This is called ‘the state of denial.’
You deny the truth you know deep down ’cause you simply can NOT take it!!
You’d fall apart if you admit it!
So your nervous system utilizes a mechanism to prevent a nervous-breakdown from occurring by denying said fact. Its like anesthesia.
The next step would be shock.
Have you ever seen people who dont cry nor express any sort of emotion in the funeral or at the morning of a loved one?
Do you think that person is not sad?
Or do you think he/she is actually not feeling anything?
Well it would be the case sometimes when there are certain circumstances.
But we’re not talking about those situations right now. A normal familial relationship, friendship, etc is what Im talking about.
This is a complicated psychological process which happens when you are deeply involved on an emotional level.
The reasons are different; It could be love, it could be anger; it could be longing….a number of different or even contrasting emotions could be at work here.
The most important factor to take note here is,
this never happens when the person doesn’t mean anything to you!
Some people even go through a stroke or a heart-attack in this situation right when people think they are heatless, not shedding a single tear.
I know of a woman who went through this ordeal right after loosing a much-loved younger brother.
We witnessed countless such cases all around the world when COVID hit our planet, have we not?
Best wishes to you all <3
PS. Yeah this guy is in denial and his most prominent emotions which has rilled him up like crazy is guilt.
He, too, needed love but having a sick child at hand and a toxic granny constantly pouring pessimism in his already-turbulent mind made him unable to make sane judgement.
He couldn't even bring himself to get closer to her out of uncertainty and the fear caused by the rumors about her. He was a mess to be honest.
Now, after all his worries are eased down, his mind cleared up and he has started to understand whats been going on all this time little by little. Yet it is already too late.
Thats were the suffocating guilt and the subtle longing that accompanies it come from.
In the end, he isn’t sad that she’s passed and instead wants to be absolved of her murder, making it all about himself again 🙄 pathetic
Yes run coward. You’re good at that