Elena dear, you’re not Sia anymore and I hope you won’t confuse the child omg hahha i know its a role imposed to you without your will … hayssss mixed emotions on the divorce thing she wants huhu
I dislike the elena (sia), why she is lying to a child? She can explain to a simple way, if she lying then she will always lying to robe, and why she lying that the duke become a troll not her??
the og lied to the duke and it spanned to more web of lies even you call misunderstanding, it cant be cured, a lot of people already factored on this. Their relationship ended up becoming too toxic the og lost respect for herself eventually leading to her suicide. Now as she unearth some of her memories and decide for her future, I dont think she will stay at that house anymore. She accepts the og wrongdoings so she blurted out that they could still be friends. I hope the child one day understand this after their divorce.
Masih ga suka sama Elena (past) . Gua ga peduli dia diperlakukan kyk gimana sama Duke.. emg pantes kok dia digituin. Perempuan jahat yg menghalalkan segala cara. Kalo ujungnya diperlakuin buruk ya salah sendiri. Tapi gua kurang setuju sm FL yg udh tau Elena itu jelas2 bersalah tapi malah bersikap yang paling disakiti
Um… okay. Her lying to get married to him is bad. She had every intention on keeping her word as much as she could and even treated the son like he was her own.
But him lying to get her into his bed, is way way worse. He knows darn well she dislikes him!
Is bro to serious about her words
if this blond is the ml I am dropping this story fr
Elena dear, you’re not Sia anymore and I hope you won’t confuse the child omg hahha i know its a role imposed to you without your will … hayssss mixed emotions on the divorce thing she wants huhu
I sort of understand the lies. They are obviously nonsensical and the kid would figure it out later, but they serve as jabs at her husband.
That said… She could tone down the truth instead.
I dislike the elena (sia), why she is lying to a child? She can explain to a simple way, if she lying then she will always lying to robe, and why she lying that the duke become a troll not her??
So cute.
the og lied to the duke and it spanned to more web of lies even you call misunderstanding, it cant be cured, a lot of people already factored on this. Their relationship ended up becoming too toxic the og lost respect for herself eventually leading to her suicide. Now as she unearth some of her memories and decide for her future, I dont think she will stay at that house anymore. She accepts the og wrongdoings so she blurted out that they could still be friends. I hope the child one day understand this after their divorce.
Masih ga suka sama Elena (past) . Gua ga peduli dia diperlakukan kyk gimana sama Duke.. emg pantes kok dia digituin. Perempuan jahat yg menghalalkan segala cara. Kalo ujungnya diperlakuin buruk ya salah sendiri. Tapi gua kurang setuju sm FL yg udh tau Elena itu jelas2 bersalah tapi malah bersikap yang paling disakiti
So the duke is the real ml..okay I’ll give him a chance to prove his worth
I love you harimanga
No f way fr??
Um… okay. Her lying to get married to him is bad. She had every intention on keeping her word as much as she could and even treated the son like he was her own.
But him lying to get her into his bed, is way way worse. He knows darn well she dislikes him!
And the way she lying to the child acceptable??
Hell no
Xia suer
Imbecile fucking bastard go away fuck you ugh! My blood pressure