Even Though I’m the Villainess, I’ll Become the Heroine! - Chapter 19
You don't have anything in histories
A Symbiotic Relationship Between A Rabbit And A Black Panther, Drama, Even Though I’m the Villainess, Even Though I’m the Villainess I’ll Become the Heroine!, Fantasy, harimanga, Hotmanga, I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life, I’ll Become the Heroine!, I’m a Killer but I’m Thinking of Living as a Princess, It’s Useless to Hang On, Manga, Manga Hot, manga new, Manga Trending, Manganew, Manhua, Manhwa, s2manga, The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Cookie House, Under the Oak Tree, Webtoons, Why She Lives as a Villainess, 악녀지만 여주인공이 되겠습니다
Emperor seems nice….
The villainess nowadays are wayyy moree prettier than those white lotus called “heroin”.
I am waiting to see that bish suffer 💅
I’m curious of who sent Floor. ..I mean Floore, that letter. I don’t think it was the saintess, but what if the emperor knows???
I wish that slinky emperor wouod go die >m<