Even Though I’m the Villainess, I’ll Become the Heroine! - Chapter 125

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A Symbiotic Relationship Between A Rabbit And A Black Panther, Drama, Even Though I’m the Villainess, Even Though I’m the Villainess I’ll Become the Heroine!, Fantasy, harimanga, Hotmanga, I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life, I’ll Become the Heroine!, I’m a Killer but I’m Thinking of Living as a Princess, It’s Useless to Hang On, Manga, Manga Hot, manga new, Manga Trending, Manganew, Manhua, Manhwa, s2manga, The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Cookie House, Under the Oak Tree, Webtoons, Why She Lives as a Villainess, 악녀지만 여주인공이 되겠습니다
I just came back to check what happened to this story but I’m sad they ended it I want to know what happened to the one who bully the female lead who was possessing the body of Flore plus what happened to Flore
I think we need few side stories 🤧
geniale merci
Why did the goddess want the dragon?
Simply a passerby
No florre is imprisoned for the rest of her life
So wheres flore? Did she get killedddddd? Lol