I thought we was finally getting a chubby fl but that stopped quickly that sucks. And why every time there’s a fat character they’re always stuffing their face . Fat doesn’t = greed . And she knows she’s gonna die and wasted a year and didn’t attempt to change anything. I hate when the follow the story like it’s law . This is your story now if you know how it plays out why not use that to your advantage and change it.
I just came back to check out this manhwa again since I dropped it, but I see like two comments saying that fat is ugly. Sorry to break it to you, but it’s not. And I’m not saying it’s a healthy way to live, especially if you’re massively overweight to the point of obesity or other serious health problems because you should lose weight if that’s the case. Nonetheless, you don’t get to decide whether that’s ugly or not. You may think it’s not attractive, but some people do, and that’s okay since it is a preference, but fat being ugly isn’t a “fact”. It’s an opinion. And this is coming from someone somewhat chubby.
Well, first of all…pfff, I don’t know if I should laugh or be pissed about it. I understand that Asians see body fat as ugly to the point that they could write novels. Man, you are soooo narrow minded. Like all the other people that find it interesting to laugh at someone’s “defects”. Do you think that if you run and exercise you will get slime? Man, you don’t even understand! And being tall as a woman it’s also a problem? Do you ever stopped and think that tall people can have a more “massive” body structure? No, you just put them to the category of fat people. I always have been seen as fat just because I am tall and I have a big body frame. Not all you see fit, it is or it should be that way! Stop trying to impose on other people you ideals!
Fat shaming. In order to highlight the ‘changes’ in the new fml, they described her as someone ugly then proceeds to show a girl with an ‘over-sized’ body. She mAgicaLLy trAnsforMed inTo a fiNe ✨bEauty✨ after becoming thin.
The manhwa literally showed that: run run run and you will lose all that fat.
Also she described herself as a boar ??
And why tf does the villain needs to be fat. It doesn’t even contribute that much in the plot like, her process of losing weight was just shown after 2 panels. Atagonizing fat people and stereotyping that villains should be “ugly” and fat and all pisses me off.
I dont get how the fat-shaming in this chapter was even relevant to the storyline? I don’t get why manwha creators do this, they must be aware that their main supporters are teenagers, and making them feel bad about themselves even in something that they perhaps read to escape reality is very mean :/
I hate the fact that the logic in this is being fat = ugly. Like wtf. When she called her a boar, I became so pissed. How are actual heavy people going to feel when reading this? They’re going to think that they look like a boar, and it’s not true. Especially they made her not only a fat person, but a villain. A VILLAIN?! why is being fat demonized in these manhwas? They’re always villains too. And they’re either scorned and neglected because of it, and no one sees them as beautiful. Then they get skinny and it’s like “omg they’re so pretty!” tf? I’m probably just being a snowflake but I wish they didn’t have to fat shame like that.
The fat shaming and the body shaming in this is unreal.. ???
Manga like this is usually very bad at this.. but this is on another level I haven’t seen before.. It made me so freaking mad. Specielt because this is often to young people..
true – and also her diet is passive aggressive fat shaming (just stop eating and playing for a moment and run a few laps – aaand she is petite and slender ^^)
People just want to remind you that there’s nothing wrong with your body. Love it, it’s yours. Just tired of seeing these type that shows that being fat is equivalent to ugly 🙁
I thought we was finally getting a chubby fl but that stopped quickly that sucks. And why every time there’s a fat character they’re always stuffing their face . Fat doesn’t = greed . And she knows she’s gonna die and wasted a year and didn’t attempt to change anything. I hate when the follow the story like it’s law . This is your story now if you know how it plays out why not use that to your advantage and change it.
I just came back to this manga after dropping it, because why not… and I agree with the comment below. Being fat is not ugly.
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
I just came back to check out this manhwa again since I dropped it, but I see like two comments saying that fat is ugly. Sorry to break it to you, but it’s not. And I’m not saying it’s a healthy way to live, especially if you’re massively overweight to the point of obesity or other serious health problems because you should lose weight if that’s the case. Nonetheless, you don’t get to decide whether that’s ugly or not. You may think it’s not attractive, but some people do, and that’s okay since it is a preference, but fat being ugly isn’t a “fact”. It’s an opinion. And this is coming from someone somewhat chubby.
Most of the time being overweight is unhealthy, but it is also unhealthy to be really underweight. Either way, you’re not ugly.
comments need to get over it, being fat is ugly and unhealthy, thats a fact, BatChest
Well, first of all…pfff, I don’t know if I should laugh or be pissed about it. I understand that Asians see body fat as ugly to the point that they could write novels. Man, you are soooo narrow minded. Like all the other people that find it interesting to laugh at someone’s “defects”. Do you think that if you run and exercise you will get slime? Man, you don’t even understand! And being tall as a woman it’s also a problem? Do you ever stopped and think that tall people can have a more “massive” body structure? No, you just put them to the category of fat people. I always have been seen as fat just because I am tall and I have a big body frame. Not all you see fit, it is or it should be that way! Stop trying to impose on other people you ideals!
Fat phobia once again, insta-dropped
nevertheless, would still continue reading it
Fat shaming. In order to highlight the ‘changes’ in the new fml, they described her as someone ugly then proceeds to show a girl with an ‘over-sized’ body. She mAgicaLLy trAnsforMed inTo a fiNe ✨bEauty✨ after becoming thin.
The manhwa literally showed that: run run run and you will lose all that fat.
Also she described herself as a boar ??
And why tf does the villain needs to be fat. It doesn’t even contribute that much in the plot like, her process of losing weight was just shown after 2 panels. Atagonizing fat people and stereotyping that villains should be “ugly” and fat and all pisses me off.
Cope. Fat IS ugly, especially in asian culture.
I dont get how the fat-shaming in this chapter was even relevant to the storyline? I don’t get why manwha creators do this, they must be aware that their main supporters are teenagers, and making them feel bad about themselves even in something that they perhaps read to escape reality is very mean :/
The fat phobia is strong in this one…
I like this! Thanks.
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
I hate the fact that the logic in this is being fat = ugly. Like wtf. When she called her a boar, I became so pissed. How are actual heavy people going to feel when reading this? They’re going to think that they look like a boar, and it’s not true. Especially they made her not only a fat person, but a villain. A VILLAIN?! why is being fat demonized in these manhwas? They’re always villains too. And they’re either scorned and neglected because of it, and no one sees them as beautiful. Then they get skinny and it’s like “omg they’re so pretty!” tf? I’m probably just being a snowflake but I wish they didn’t have to fat shame like that.
Loser _Girl
I might sound like a racist but Korean people are always racist and body shamer even judge you on what you wear
The fat shaming and the body shaming in this is unreal.. ???
Manga like this is usually very bad at this.. but this is on another level I haven’t seen before.. It made me so freaking mad. Specielt because this is often to young people..
true – and also her diet is passive aggressive fat shaming (just stop eating and playing for a moment and run a few laps – aaand she is petite and slender ^^)
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
I know right! I hate it so fcking much.
So interesting
Thank you
People just want to remind you that there’s nothing wrong with your body. Love it, it’s yours. Just tired of seeing these type that shows that being fat is equivalent to ugly 🙁