This manwha seems very interesting to see, even when the female lead is a bit dumb because she thought that if she and the other og female lead would not getting chosen to be noble, it would be safe. Still, it turns out really bad plot twist that the og fl is a very selfish person and mean but please since the female lead (silver hair girl with gorgeous purple eyes) has another chance i would really want her to change her destiny like..getting an act of revenge on. Fighting, Fighting girl!
the fl is a little idiotic but smart enough and the og fl is a bitch, i wonder how this story will go so i will keep reading plus the art is really good.
Congrats, glad you found out so soon, really like this????
And teenmanwhas translation gotten alot better, i think thier fixing the machines translation. Ill go check it out???
Yes you’re female lead of our story LMAO ??.Anyway that so called ogFl is a bitch I just hope karma will hit her hard and she’ll be treated like how ogEvangeline experienced.I hate two face bitches?
Ace Lee
It’s kinda stupid 😒
-_- its already stupid
So their going with that trop, so there’s going to be stupid drama 🙄
Its been a long time since i sae something so interesting!
At least you weren’t sold. Better her than you?
This manwha seems very interesting to see, even when the female lead is a bit dumb because she thought that if she and the other og female lead would not getting chosen to be noble, it would be safe. Still, it turns out really bad plot twist that the og fl is a very selfish person and mean but please since the female lead (silver hair girl with gorgeous purple eyes) has another chance i would really want her to change her destiny like..getting an act of revenge on. Fighting, Fighting girl!
The moment she sings the song you should’ve realized that there’s more than the eye could see but at least she realized in the end anyway
baby im not even hallucination
the fl is a little idiotic but smart enough and the og fl is a bitch, i wonder how this story will go so i will keep reading plus the art is really good.
If only it were possible to punch someone through a screen hope og FL experiences what og evangeline experiences
Congrats, glad you found out so soon, really like this????
And teenmanwhas translation gotten alot better, i think thier fixing the machines translation. Ill go check it out???
so will it be after all this time the og FL was a white lotus and Evangeline was only evil b/c of her horrible past?
This story kinda reminds me into the light once again?
Finally a smart fl that quickly realized plot had changed, og fl is a bitch and that she became the main character
og FL dug her own grave
Do not disturb
Yes you’re female lead of our story LMAO ??.Anyway that so called ogFl is a bitch I just hope karma will hit her hard and she’ll be treated like how ogEvangeline experienced.I hate two face bitches?
This is too quick
Art is pretty and angelic