I know the cougar lady and him are probably end game, bc that’s how these patterns usually pan out, but the commander is so hilarious
I bet when he gets w the cougar, the commander is gunna say smth abt “leaving me and our three children? You’re not the man I married smdh”
Lovely 😍
I know the cougar lady and him are probably end game, bc that’s how these patterns usually pan out, but the commander is so hilarious
I bet when he gets w the cougar, the commander is gunna say smth abt “leaving me and our three children? You’re not the man I married smdh”
Seeing the commander I hope he just marries her for real
I love this story sooo much! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)> ♡⁎*❤
I hope the commander and Enrid end up together 😆
he just be getting anyone to teach him lmaooo