Right! A mother’s love for her children is greater than anything, and she had to bear missing her children 2 times while other empress’s were giving birth to children 😔
Like, ” I love you, goodbye”. Eventually,Rose got a point there, if she only met a man with same status as her or even a countryside nobleman, they’ll never suffer so much pain. The toxicity of their relationship is of the highest level. He should try to understand her words and her pain. All he can say is ” I am doing this to protect you “. Even those words are no longer new to her. He’s saying those words in vain,but he’s actually doing what he’s doing in their past lives. At some point,those words are no longer comforting nor reassuring,but a blaming words that means,be grateful that I am doing this for you, ungrateful brat. He’s just being greedy. He’s doing this because of his guilt from their past lives. And if he let go of her,chances of her being targeted and killed is very high. But,come what may, it’s better to gamble than live a toxic life with a toxic man.
Man just accepted it break up with her then live single and become a villain.
and kill the people who ruin your past!
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
why do you have to wait a month tho? go now and get out of there while you still can
Allie Sis
Right! A mother’s love for her children is greater than anything, and she had to bear missing her children 2 times while other empress’s were giving birth to children 😔
Like, ” I love you, goodbye”. Eventually,Rose got a point there, if she only met a man with same status as her or even a countryside nobleman, they’ll never suffer so much pain. The toxicity of their relationship is of the highest level. He should try to understand her words and her pain. All he can say is ” I am doing this to protect you “. Even those words are no longer new to her. He’s saying those words in vain,but he’s actually doing what he’s doing in their past lives. At some point,those words are no longer comforting nor reassuring,but a blaming words that means,be grateful that I am doing this for you, ungrateful brat. He’s just being greedy. He’s doing this because of his guilt from their past lives. And if he let go of her,chances of her being targeted and killed is very high. But,come what may, it’s better to gamble than live a toxic life with a toxic man.