i already knew he was grossly obsessive from the spoilers but it just feels different seeing it drawn. He really is the worst and he is undoubtedly selfish. He’s only thinking about himself and HIS future with Rose, not what she thinks about the situation or how she feels. His plan is to hold her hostage and monitor her until she eventually gives up and accepts it, which is the behavior of a man who only thinks of himself. Stories like this with trash MLs anger me, yet the drama is so fun to watch and get angry at. Perhaps I’m a sadist AND a masochist.
Lieutenet trust me when I say this: She doesn’t want to be the empress either.
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
i already knew he was grossly obsessive from the spoilers but it just feels different seeing it drawn. He really is the worst and he is undoubtedly selfish. He’s only thinking about himself and HIS future with Rose, not what she thinks about the situation or how she feels. His plan is to hold her hostage and monitor her until she eventually gives up and accepts it, which is the behavior of a man who only thinks of himself. Stories like this with trash MLs anger me, yet the drama is so fun to watch and get angry at. Perhaps I’m a sadist AND a masochist.