@Oscorpi She was running a coffee bar so she feels the most confident in it 🙂 it would also explain how she knows so much about it 🙂 to be fair… I’d be useless, except for a few nice recipes 😀
@Darkstar u have nothing to apologise for i know for me i came for the romance if i wanted to read About different types coffee every chapter with romance as a subplot id look for a coffee recipe book, they should balance the coffee and drama and romance all i hear is “blahblah” when i read its repetitive and its getting boring
@makan it understandable taking the consideration of tile but every single time is bit much,and if you taking about title like under the Oak Tree , then that means they sitting there in every single chapter, don’t take thus comment seriously sorry if I offend you or anyone take care
@Oscorpi She was running a coffee bar so she feels the most confident in it 🙂 it would also explain how she knows so much about it 🙂 to be fair… I’d be useless, except for a few nice recipes 😀
As someone who remembers her past life, our gurl doesn’t have confidence except when it’s about coffee.
Affogato with honey is a blast, too
@Darkstar u have nothing to apologise for i know for me i came for the romance if i wanted to read About different types coffee every chapter with romance as a subplot id look for a coffee recipe book, they should balance the coffee and drama and romance all i hear is “blahblah” when i read its repetitive and its getting boring
Dark star
@makan it understandable taking the consideration of tile but every single time is bit much,and if you taking about title like under the Oak Tree , then that means they sitting there in every single chapter, don’t take thus comment seriously sorry if I offend you or anyone take care
Love that she literally has an army of magician scientist that are literally inventing modern appliances because of their coffee addiction.
@Dark star what you expected when the title of this story is “Duchess’s Lo-fi Coffee House” ☠️☠️
drinking my coffee as I’m reading this
Dark star
I like the the story but every single is about coffee
Thank you harimanga take care
I dont really like the art so much…but the story and how they put it into art is the best…