Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 99
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ugh spineless FL and scum of ML can’t wait for both of them to get karma ML had no right to do that to brown hair whatsoever so what if he likes FL, FL love you scum so why r u getting so worked up
ok 😐 thanks for explainig i guess
Bangchans rubber duck
@abbygal.seba bruh wtf my guy is crazy, he literally stabbed jaekhyung, ofc she is gonna check up on him, and if she never loved him she wouldn’t have ditched literally everyone on her life. You’re being stupidly delusional.
Hes not gonna change
Now I feel “Were we all wipped for this crazy person?” He really needs therapy fr 🙃
hahahhahahahhahahhahahahahh am so happy he got the phone but the same time am mad at the fl bc she is still obssed with her old crush like at theis point i don know if she likes the ml for real bc she never said i love you back to him not even once i dont likke the fl for real i feel like she is using the ml hope not though lets hope this goes well
I think he just got the phone
I’m saying he scared him or he stabbed himself… or the phone? Siyun is too smart for that
Tell him what? What does he need to know?
I…I’m scared….