Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 98
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Siyun needs therapy. I can’t hate him for any of the things he has done so far. He was an incredibly nice guy until he was bullied, nearly beaten to death and thrown away by all his “friends” and the idol company and even his family abandoned him. Just because a good few chapters have past, some people tend to forget that he is not even an adult yet and has gone through very traumatic events. He does have self destructive behaviours right now, but he can become better if he seeks proper help.
After being thrown away by everyone, you thought cared for you, it can be hard to believe that anyone will ever stay.
Jeongmin also needs help. They have both had a rough go
her bf is a piece of insecure scum who thinks he isn’t loved by his own gf and she’ll leave him on these excuses he harms other to grab her attention everyone is creepy
I don’t want to feel sorry for the brown hair dude, but if she really wanted him to survive she shouldn’t have went there, cause just the fact the her Bf his obssesed with her and really hates him doesn’t sound like a wise choice
Nah the door’s right there bestie. GET OUT OF THEIR STORY!
Yeah man… He’s way more creepy than Siyun
Also, just meeting w your crazy x which caused the rift of your current bf? Wise move
Secretary Sarawita
Heh, it’s too suspicious… I wonder what happened to Jae
Bangchans rubber duck
This is so scary idk