Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 94
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pfft I remember people detesting brown hair when he said hurtful stuff to MC but MC ain’t no different she is very well aware yet she said that to him she is just as shameless and accomplice of shitty ml who use his power in this way he have been misusing it quite lately and this FL won’t just talk to him she have become so strange ugh I hope both FL ML gets karma
Your_Anxiety attack
There’s probably a low chance of a good ending, still hoping for a good ending tho
Guys don’t you get it?!
If they break up, he would go mad and when i say mad i mean he would kill all the other guys or even her friends
He would become a mad man
Thats not going to help them
And she can’t even say anything and THATs why i say whatever they do their future is dark🥲💔
They should break up. I love siyun but this is getting out of hand. Jeongmin is clearly suffering in this relationship and siyun has not been stable either.
not to be me but this reminds me of those toxic couples who’s not gonna say anything just to avoid problems and sourness in the relationship aND FOR SOME REASON I DON’T MIND IT 😭 BECAUSE I WANT THE 2 OF THEM TO BE HAPPY TOGETHER HUSHSUSHUS WHO CARES ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE ANYWAY
Obese Lizard
Aaaghhh i was rooting for them……. anyway Jeonmin be honest and try to discuss it