Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 93
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They were very honest this whole time
But this is the moment she starts lying because of his temper tantrums
That’s bad
ML is such a bitch and what’s with mc being so soft communicating properly will be the key also what about her mom who is taking night shift MC doesn’t care much about her and I hope her dad is dead
@s-t-s yeah sure she made little mistakes but it’s still kinda his fault
@S-t-s, no way you just said that😭
So we’re just gonna ignore how manipulative he is and blame it all on her?
***bf NOT bc. She “hid” things. Not his 🤦♂️
Crazy yandere bc has many faults. But this chap is totally her mess up:
1. She his things from him. She could’ve told him. He would’ve been upset. But they could’ve worked through things. He’s obsessed w her.
2. She straight lied to him
3. She went to meet up alone w another man… especially one that liked her/likes her.
She gets what she has coming for her…
the lovely dovely bf did smth again didn t he.😃
If they won t get therapy soon I ll start to root for a breakup even if I don’t want to.😭🙏🏻
Secretary Sarawita
I wonder what could be happened