Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 92
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The moment she fell in love with him was the time where she was very lonely and isolated in school. Ar that time the relationship seemed supportive to an extent. He was there for her. The tables have turned over time and she is not so dependent on him as he is (which was this way from the start). We went from not dependent to depended to not dependend again. This isolates her completely from her friends and brings her in a very bad situation. I think the other kpop guy is right: how long will she be there for him and it’s also the premise from the first chapters even „will you be with me forever“
She should not be imo but we will see
yea very toxic and draining her outfit is weird….
I am too romantic please help me
Girl, this kind of relationship is so toxic and draining
They need therapy
no comment.blank mind rn.
I hope they both get some therapy…if they want to have a healthy relationship the have to go to therapy👀🤌
I am too romantic please help me
Bangchans rubber duck
Have this story a good ending which means they end u not breaking up🙃
Nanny Adam
Please don’t break up