Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 91
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“ended up being ruined” my inner soul be like; 💀🤦♀️
this is insane all her friends noticed right away when will she also notice I wonder what silver hair tried to say to her
I mean, logically I know this is the bad end, but why can’t the toxics be happy in fiction, ya know?
@Jennie.Rose oh my god. R u ok now?
I had a relationship like this during my college days. At first i thought it was exciting but then I started to understand how dangerous obsession is. When I couldn’t reply to his texts.. he will sent a message to all of my friends and classmates asking where I am. The freaky part is, i dont know how he got their numbers. He suspects all my friends, even cousins as if I’m the prettiest girl in the world and everyone wants me, so embarrassing and disgusting. When I tried to break up with him, he threatens to kill my younger brother with his frat boys. It got out of control that me and my family had to involve the authorities. I had to move to a different city to hide from him. And if you think you can change that person with your love and kindness, think again. It’s him changing you. However, if he is as hot as this guy Sion, maybe i dont mind. I’ll ditch my friends and chose him 💯% lol 😭😭😭
on the contrary, I think this deserves a super tragic ending.
Bruh I smell season ending there
Pls we want a happy ending 🥺
Your_Anxiety attack
If the ending is bad I’m not ready😭