Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 9
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I’m kinda sad, I wish that FL and the brown hair dude had like a sibling type relationship, but I already know that he gonna start hating our FL like everyone else or get hurt by the ml or something. To bad, I liked that dude. He makes FL happier, even if it only for a bit
huh?? she also walked the same path how come she never crossed them before author really likes to make such set up, brown hair is still sus well gotta see what silver hair will do
Iam getting possesive Yuri vibes🚩🚩🚩
Why is almost very ugly bitch ass crusty dusty musty bad character have the ugly blondish white hair and the most gut wrenching face in the universe?
Is she obsessed of jeongmin?!?!? Damn gurl
I had a feeling that ash haired bitch wasn’t just tormenting Jeongmin for ghosting her in the past. It’s another case of a possessive ex-friend. I wonder why it had to be Jeongmin of all people- It’s pretty obvious she doesn’t feel the same level of attraction to her current sidekicks as she does with Jeongmin