Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 88
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Baby’s a lil golden retriever
He is kinda insane now 🤷🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
what is his problem??? MC have never tried to abandon him after they talked that day so how come he keep on getting so insecure he don’t trust her & she doesn’t now how to talk kissing won’t solve it communication is the key here
[email protected]
Wtf I’m actually starting to hate siyun☠ yes he might have some trauma but I feel like this is starting to get pretty unhealthy, he’s literally guilt tripping jeongmin, I honestly don’t think I can read this anymore.
Ah um, idk anymore..
NAUR THIS IS SO SAD HUHUDHDUSH honestly they need therapy from all the shi theyve been thru and atm i still wanna think that siyun and fl deserves each other so even tho this shit is red flag,,, i hope they can work it out 🥺🥺🥺 but ngl if idk their pov and i see this irl,,, ughdjs toxic
well shit, this story will definitely have a bad ending or smth
Your_Anxiety attack
I hope this has a good ending
Bangchans rubber duck
God. (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
They both need therapy…
He really need to seek some help from the professional please i need a happy ending😭😭😭
Izumi Miyamura
i have a feeling that this story won’t have a happy ending…
He’s really not psycho. He has ptsd from abandonment and abuse. It’s really sad I wish the solution was therapy
Omg the way he is whispering sorry sorry so psychopathic 😳✨
Oh gosh what a mess
I know this is going to end REALLY BAD….
And that i’m going to cry like hell🥲💔
Nanny Adam
Wow. He really needs a therapy.I hope they don’t break up.
Honesly, why aren’t you saying anything about it? You can maybeeee wait until he calms down, but don’t expact someone to change