Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 87
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When someone gets abandoned by all and is left all alone that’s how they then turn out to be especially when they have received love attention before and suddenly being left out feels shitty . I know someone who was similar to the Ml siyoon but not that similar obvi.
what’s wrong with ML he have become so stupid he is mindlessly giving clues, first talking to brown hair and now to that trash even silver hair girl is sus he is inviting trouble if he keep this on
and his behavior is getting more toxic imagine had he been 2nd ML comment section would’ve been trashing him like hell but being ML he have simp army….
[email protected]
You guys in the comments are so sensitive, rxxxiiii is actually one of the smartest people on the comment section so far☠ it’s literally true they’re relationship is slowly becoming unhealthy. When siyun sees jeongmin with literally anyone he becomes crazy, isn’t that already a bad sign? Anyone who thinks they’re relationship is “romantic” needs help and therapy. This type of relationships are not ok, u shouldn’t feel controlled in a relationship, anyone who likes that needs help, therapy and mental hospital. Y’all are getting so mad at rxxxiii for expressing they’re opinion when this is a PUBLIC comment section, everyone can say what they want. And if u dont like that then just ignore it☠ its really not that hard.
bro i hate @rxxxiii there so toxic cant people just read in peace, like bro ur the one thats crazy not jeongmin people just want to read the story not look into the end im pretty sure ur the type of person who would watch the end of the movie and then watch the whole movie just to know the end bloody hell dude.
@rxxxiii try to differentiate fiction and reality. Of course no one would like an actual person like him but here he’s just a character and that’s it. Let people enjoy what they like.
@elicruze No i’m not gonna stop. I can express my opinion if I want to do why shouldn’t I do it? I’m just saying that this behaviour is not good and tbh you’re weird if you’re actually rooting for them to end up together when he’s like that.
@rxxxii could you just enjoy the story and stop trying to police people. It’s so annoying. Obviously his behavior is unhealthy and unhinged and yes we can enjoy an emotional roller coaster and root for his growth but I’d also like to just watch the world burn in peace without the berating of what characters are morally okay to enjoy as they are.
I love the story but this is not right. It will not end well. Y’all in the comments stop romanticising his behaviour😭 This will definitely have like an open ending.
Bangchans rubber duck
Bro I am so obsessed with this
Izumi Miyamura
oop guess he will turn more possesive now.. hehee
his friend was right lol
Oh shit