Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 85
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woah . . . hating the mc is a clear sign that the manhwa is not for you
@rxxxii, hah… Everyone with their stuff and opinion, but why? What did She do to u? This is making me sad:(
@rxxxiii say that to jeongmin’s bf (cant spell his name)
Thanks for explaining!
btw pakai topimu means wear your cap
Your_Anxiety attack
@rxxxiii yes your the only one
@rxxxiii of all characters not to like, you choose Jeongmin? I kid you not, she is the most decent character in this whole story and you don’t like her of all people? That’s saying something bout u
@ rxxxiii u r prolly the only one… if not one of a few.
Their toxicity for one another is 👩🍳 💋
Seul soul
It seems like they both are obsessive towards each other…i mean she did say that she kinda happy seeing him like that….this is scaring tbh
i wish i had a boyfriend that would protect and be obsessed like that even if he is a little abusive to wards people but not his gf
Am i the only one who doesn’t like Jeongmin?
Wow thanks for the update
Finally translated after so long!😭💖
Its been so loooooong i missed themmmm😍😍❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥😆😆😆
Secretary Sarawita
“Pakai Topimu” hmm guess it’s taken from Indonesian translation?