Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 83.5
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Someone wants to go to hell earlier than I thought
And thats how You complete the tutorial of how to die in 5 mins ig
Izumi Miyamura
aight now that guy will die
I sense someone making their own grave
He reminds of that guy from weak hero class 1 kdrama
that guy is jealous of si yoon, he’s obsessed and i feel like he’s tryna deny that he does like him so he expresses it in a fcked up way like copying and harassing him
Just like the white haired girl to FL lol
They’re the type that claims to hate them but actually likes them
I have raws up to chap 85, but I can’t translate and edit it.
A little spoiler on the next chapter he will corner our girl and she will accuse him of being a stalker then after a long time baek si yoon will find them and he will let him punch him and he’ll fight back finally she will kiss baek si Yoon because he’s having a blackout. End of chapter 84
Katsuri Nissamei
I heard that luxmanga was stealing someone else’s work from the youtube, is this really true? I double checked the reddit app where they mentioned that the luxmanga was only stealing the chapters from the translator there and from the luxmanga website i checked that the real translator is from the youtube they said, but before i could even know the name of the one who really translates it, his/her comment got reported and marked as spam. and someone mentioned it that they’re already at chapter 84. So I do get that now that this manhwa is getting slow updates because of it and if this really true and luxmanga doesn’t stop, it will lost its translator and we are just going to wait for another month to come pick this to translate— but man.. the translation is really good than from the earlier chaps before it get picked up by this one who’s translating it right now :<
Welp..he did bring this upon himself
R.I.P Yellow Eyed Man…..I forgot his Name heh my brain even thinks that guy’s name is not even worth remembering 🙄🙄
now he snapped fr