Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 78
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Vain Viper
Someone’s having midlife crisis🤣🤣🤣
Get embarrassed😘
Even the members think he is crazy
Duuuude, you are so delusional!
No no.. your right.
Send the dude to a mental asylum
Your_Anxiety attack
I need more chaptersಥ‿ಥ
Katsuri Nissamei
You?more handsome than him? Pft, don’t make yourself a joke when you already are
Queen Silvia
Wanna see him trying to flirt with the mani character (forgot her name) and get horribly rejected only to enter a mental hospital
I think y’all should get him to the hospital, it’s still not too late 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
How Delusional you are it impress me so much~~~
My raws are just up to chapter 80, I’m almost caught up again 😩
Damn dude, it’s hilarious how Si Yoon didn’t give a fvck abt him and is more invested in the idea of having fun with his gf. Kekeke