Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 76.5
You don't have anything in histories
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Stfu You crusty bi- i bet you’re so smelly we can sniff your farty smell from China. Lock urself in a public bathroom and eat up. Also u might as well break both of your skinny hairy legs cuz nobody will care. Scram tf out of here babes, You r nothing more than a “u know it😉”
-love youuuuuuuu
Pink head guy really slayed in this chapter
Cuddly wubbly
hah! I bet you won’t even get close to him and his GIRLFRIEND, even if you did, you would probably have wonderful dreams.😉
Nahh shit head he will kill u first
Your_Anxiety attack
Si Yoon would not even give a shit about you unless you try to make a move on jeongmin or hurt her, he would literally kill you.
If you ruin my favorite couple’s sweet moments I swear I’ll (deep breath)
Uhm no no no you better be careful not to die in your sleep like literally…
I’m suprised the pink haired guy actually stood up for Siyun😲
luh ikaw ung mamatay angkol