Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 73
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Plzzz someone get a therapist for our ML
Touché two can play that game😂😏
mf rllt gonna do anything for her attention he’s down bad for her
Bro is smooth
I don’t mind siyoon being a psycho but it does bother me that jeongmin is getting softer, before she was strong and he was kinda helpless but still a psycho, both made a strong couple, but now it feels like jeongmin will start to feel burdened and controlled.. I ship them so much, I don’t want him to control her
👏that’s a nice move hehe
woow this mf sycho really cut his hand off to get her attention
When will be the next updateee. I read this for literally just a dayyyy gosh
I can somehow relate with Jaehyeok, he should start going to the gym 🙂
Welp what can I say ma man need some attention
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Sweet but a psycho 😜
my boi is a psycho
I knew he was gonna pull something like this🤣
ngl i like siyun’s thoughts 😳😳😳 ((he the type of yandere i really want to see more because his behavior is truly extreme but at least he can manage it in a way that he knows won’t totally make fl leave him)) so yeah he’s crazy af considering how he wants to kill jahyeok and is even tormenting his dreams,,, now siyun is here tryna monopolize fl’s feelings, may it be love or pity, all of it are just for him
I can’t see this manhwa having happy ending
It’s either he’ll kill someone or injure and go to prison and she end up with other guy or this psycho ends up dying and he’ll haunt her
I don’t really see possibility for them being together in the end and him being “Normal”
nah this man is crazy but i like it
nah this man is crazy but i like it 😀
now he wants her pity too?
BYE he really injured himself over that?