Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 72
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In reality, Siyun is really creepy. So if Jeongmin is my friend I would try my best for her not to associate with the likes of him but since we as a reader knew that he is a good guy with psychopathic tendencies or in anime commonly known as yandere we root for him. In real life Jaehyuk is a normal looking person so you won’t be wary of him but agian this is a manhwa so we again as a reader won’t root for him. So Jaehyuk’s action may seem reasonable if this is reality but thankfully it isn’t. This manhwa is really good. Can’t wait for the dramas and romance between Jeongmin and Siyun.
But why in his dream did siyun touch her like that
It’s understandable, for a normal person si yoon would look creepy and he kinda showed jaehyeok that side of hin on purpose lol
Damn it a very nice dream
I Don’t like that the only reason brown hair likes her is because the friend broke up with him. He was comfortable and quick to settle for a unrequited love. He didn’t treat her well. On the other hand, white hair creeps me out. And I understand his background..but mhne hmmm
damn wtf
lol u need to suffer more bro haha
lmfao we need like 5-10 more chapters of him suffering🕺🏻
Suffer a bit more 😃
Nah man you should suffer a lil bit more… Ya kbow just a lil bit…
i just wanna see jung min slap him
Welp i wouldn’t mind seeing him suffer
Nanny Adam
Oh my goodness😳🤭😏
Gosh 🙄
BRUH you fr?