Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 62
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The guy is even thinking about there whole life future and even the interior of their house 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Joe mama
Daddy Baek is so delulu, just like me 💅
They didn’t even start dating but he is planning to get married
He has their every move calculated…. LITERALLY
My boi just lived his whole life on fast forward 😂❤️
You missed your chance, sir
🤣 I love how this Yandere is just planning their whole life already
I kinda hope theirs a chapter where the dad comes back and ml finds out she is being abused 🥲
he’s so insane, but i adore him too… idek what to say 😭♡
i really hope there’ll be a scene where he obtained some professional help for his mental health tho 😊
kinda a bit worried of our precious FL’s life in the future, seeing that her “guardian angel” is that obsessive w/ her 🥲🥲🥲
Mc vasachi
That far already damn dude . u got to wait she hasn’t even finished school yet
One blush and dude was already thinking about their wedding all the way to kids🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nanny Adam
Bro, even start thinking about where to get married.😆