Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 58
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Joe mama
I think “kkk” means that they are laughing
Update us with your lucid dreaming journey please
i tried lucid dreaming today, first time, don’t do it without research, i did it before a school day and i didn’t wake up until my dad used his airhorn 2 feet from my face, it was 9:00 at the time.
also, it is cool to lucid dream, just not often because you might have trouble waking up…
BTW, i dreamed of what an anime character looked at the not so realistic looking world from their POV. it was very cool.
@CardiaChin it’s not letting me actually reply but yeah, they’re shoving all the blame to juhyeon but it was kinda their fault too. they’re acting as if she had a gun to their heads, but they all willingly participated in the bullying. they only decided it was wrong bc it wasn’t convenient for them anymore. juhyeon was the ringleader, but if they had heard out both sides she wouldn’t have had any power.
I can totally understand why Jeongmin is fed up with all the attention. I can probably name a few reasons for why she’d be fed up with it. I believe the top two are
1. These are the same people who bullied her the year prior. And now they’re acting like they’re all good, as if Jeongmin had swept everything under the rug now that they came over to her side. Even after she tried countless times to reveal the truth. They only decided to repent once Juhyeon finally shows her true self. Just imagine, if Juhyeon kept her firm grasp on them, they would continue disparaging Jeongmin and remain on Juhyeon’s side.
2. Naturally, people don’t like receiving pity. It’s one thing to understand and sympathize with someone, but it’s another thing to pity them. In my opinion, getting pitied feels humiliating almost. It makes you feel like they view you as a weak puppy. And pity feels all the more worse when it comes from the people who used to bully you.