Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 56
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Answer then threaten him
Joe mama
Cmon daddy Baek tell him not to call our sweet little jeongmin again 💅
I can smell sth bad to happen
I really want him to call that brown hair guy and threat him to not talk to her
luxmanga thank for all your help
he reminds me of Dion
i got 3 types of password locks on my phone at once, it’s really cool, just make sure your good at software things, its not easy i believe. i didn’t do it that’s for sure.
@CardiaChin yes!! Same with like kdramas. WHY TF DO THEY NOT HAVE A PIN??? Like i’d be screwed if someone gets into my phone. There is my email, contacts, chats etc
Please… Please don’t tell me Jeongmin still doesn’t have a password til now- I know u can pick up or hang up a phone call without entering a password in so I’m obviously not talking about Siyun doing stuff with her phone. I just still haven’t gotten over what Juhyeon did. It just makes me anxious when characters don’t have passwords on their phones since it makes everything so much riskier.
Bro has a death wish