Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 49
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I think the mother killed the dad
Wait.. Did siyun kill her father?.. Well then….. money off you go💸💸
Well atleast daddy siyun can feed me🤭
My goddd! He so unhinged! I loveee it!
i stan hottieees
he so pretty aghhhhh
c’mon mom meet the boyfriend already, give them your blessing!
Queen Silvia
To the comments below, if the mum or siyun didn’t kill her dad I will
Hey when will you update???
Oooo I love y’alls theories in the comments
Ahhhhhh…such a cliff hanger….😠
Can’t wait for next episode 😜
OK this chapter was edited so well!! I NEED MOREEE
I bet the dad is cheating and has a 2nd family without them knowing
Oh f bro. Pay my respects, you’re so f*****.
i think siyun killed her father
got a gut feeling the mother killed the dad
… He’s too dependent for this to turn out well. It sort of makes sense that he funnels everything into a love now (no career, parents, friends, education), but she actually still has a shot at being stable if she isn’t dragged into this new web.
Nanny Adam
They make a good couple