Dreaming Freedom - Chapter 47
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Don’t make him obsessive pls author
ima take care of the teraphy dw y’all👌👍✌
God damn he is fine Ngl but he needs God damn Jesus Allah rasul whoever there is in this world
Cuddly wubbly
he should probably get a tetenis shot.. haha
What his been through has made him the way he is now and he’s lost his screw definitely
God I know he’s all the way fucked up and did something awful but I can’t help but wanna make him do anything I say fr, I’m awful bro (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)
siyun really did fall in love with her but she thinks of him as unstable.
jeongmin is clever but doesn’t usually get the idea at times, she has a war-torn boyfriend at her disposal and she’s not using it correctly, my guy is a fucking smart nuclear warhead.
PS: when i mean war torn read his back story my guys.
if i had a girlfriend as bad-ass as him and wanted to get revenge on someone or a group, consider it done. almost fogor, if he was a girl it would technically be considered as a yandere.
he’s so hot omg
Nooo dont make him too creepy 😭
Oi wat is this behaviour 😃🍿
He’s not even a red flag at this point, he’s a fire flag.
I can’t tell whether my heart is going BA-DUMP or BA-THUMP
He’s not even a red flag at this point, he’s a fire flag.
I can’t tell wether my heat is going BA-DUMP or BA-THUMP
Queen Silvia
I love him
Yep that’s true….he is a maniac.
Damn man no matter how good looking u are, a creep is still a creep